Spare your ‘Busy’ word – Make time for your kid

It is quite comprehensible that everyone in this fast-paced world is occupied most of the time and without a doubt, every parent does the best to raise their kid in every possible way. But it is rather important to make time for your kid to enjoy their laughter and sadness because they are so innocent and real and guess what! They don’t stay young forever. Time is the most precious commodity that eludes us. Spending quality time with your little ones is extremely important because it plays a vital role in their happiness and development. We must find more thoughtful ways to slow and slip down some memorable experiences that will let our kid know that we do care and love them.

Make time for your kid -

Many children find their own subtle way to let you know that they don’t receive enough attention from you. Some will withdraw while others may act-out. You might have encountered situations when your kid fights with another classmate or resorts back to behaviors that once got your attention like increased crying, throwing tantrums or as little as bed-wetting. Put in your mind that everything is to capture your attention one way or other so that your kid find some ‘focused time’ with you. The thought process in most cases will be, ‘If I can’t get my mommy’s attention by doing something good then I will do something bad to get her’ and no parents would want that!

Spend more One-on-One time or alone time with your kid is important at least once a month because that is the best way when you both enjoy thoroughly. This includes going to animated movies or just sitting on a park bench and talking. Marking your dates down on a calendar is a great idea and shows your children you make this time a priority.

Children love to help! so try and integrate together time on your daily schedule. Make your kid accompany you on grocery shopping to make the shopping time more ‘fun-time’. When preparing dinner, let your kid contribute in the preparation process and beware it may be messier at the beginning but as time goes your kid will become your greatest helpers and they will look back and remember that ‘prep-time’ is always a special time with you.

It is obvious that you cannot spend time until 3 am or at the nursery-time but you can be more creative and let your child know that you love and care for them. Write notes and drop them in lunch boxes. Record a short video of them and show it to them after dinner time for good love-time.

Spending time with your children provides them with opportunities to learn and to be heard. Most of all, it provides you and your children with time to connect. It’s these connections that make your children feel loved. So leave the bedspread for another few minutes and put the coffee on an automatic timer. Take those extra moments to spend with your children. When you look back, you will be thankful for the memories. And always remember to make your children feel special because they truly are the biggest blessing of your life.

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